Do People Feel Better After Plastic Surgery?

People who choose to undergo a cosmetic surgery procedure often experience a reduction in feelings of anxiety and depression, an overall improvement in their quality of life, and an increase in self-esteem and self-confidence. Research has shown that most patients are satisfied with the outcome and feel better about themselves. This is especially true for women who have undergone reduction mammoplasty.The domains of functioning that showed improvements included “self-esteem”, “self-efficacy”, distress and shyness, and “quality of life”. However, many of these studies have methodological limitations, such as small sample sizes and the possibility of biased determination.

Clinical interviews may be subject to bias on the part of both the respondent and the interviewer, and very few studies used “blind” evaluators. It is of particular concern that not all studies used valid assessment tools, making it difficult to interpret the results. Finally, most of the studies evaluated very specific procedures and it is not clear how generalizable their results are to other types of aesthetic interventions. According to research, people feel much better about how they look and how they feel after choosing to undergo a cosmetic surgery procedure.Our team of plastic surgeons, dermatologists, estheticians and staff are focused on helping men and women gain the confidence in their appearance necessary to live better lives and improve their overall well-being. One study examined 544 patients who underwent cosmetic plastic surgery and followed them at intervals of 3, 6, and 12 months.

Overall, these patients reported positive outcomes in many areas. People who were dissatisfied with a particular physical characteristic were more likely to experience positive psychological changes after undergoing a procedure to correct it. If you are considering having a plastic surgery procedure, your Portland cosmetic surgeon will be happy to answer any questions that you may have. In addition, plastic surgery often helps those with body image problems by restoring their sense of attractiveness and dignity. Suffice to say, plastic surgery has significant mental health benefits when performed safely and under the right conditions. The aesthetic specialist should probably be more concerned about people to whom many professionals have performed numerous procedures and, in particular, those who claim that the result of such procedures has not been satisfactory.

Plastic and aesthetic surgeons regularly report high satisfaction rates among their patients, and they have provided clinical and empirical evidence that supports positive results in terms of patient satisfaction with cosmetic surgery procedures. Most people who seek cosmetic surgery procedures appear to be psychologically healthy; however, some are not, and for these people, cosmetic procedures can have a negative outcome and create problems for both the patient and the surgeon. Thanks to plastic surgery, many patients have been able to experience reduced levels of depression and anxiety, as well as better acceptance and a greater sense of satisfaction. Researchers from two European universities recently published a study that analyzed the long-term positive effects of plastic surgery. Despite these methodological concerns, the studies reviewed here suggest that most people are satisfied with cosmetic surgery and achieve a positive psychological and psychosocial outcome. Compared to those who had chosen not to undergo plastic surgery, the operated patients “felt healthier, had less anxiety, had developed more self-esteem and their bodies, in general, were more attractive. The desire to look younger and more attractive isn't the only reason people choose plastic surgery.

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